
Forms: validation, styling & semantics


Name must be at least 2 words


An optional field. This field is only validated when it has a value.
Minimum 5 chars, maximum 15


This field uses HTML5 "pattern" attribute to be validated.
"\d+" - only digits are allowed


Number must be between 10 and 100


Should be of length 6 OR 8 characters


Notice that for a phone number user can input a '+' sign, a dash '-' or a space ' '


Choose something or choose not. what shall it be?


This is a multifield, which let the user input a serial number or credit card number for example, and the trick is to validate the combined result, which is stored in a hidden field

There is a hidden "required" form field below, notice it will not be validated due to its lack of visibility.
The reason for this is that sometimes there is a section in a form that is not visible until some user "action" is taken, and changing form fields to be "required" on-the-fly is undesirable.